Employ & Empower: Tech Talent Training Funds
9:00 am
10:00 am
Invest in hiring and training a skilled tech workforce.
Invest in hiring and training a skilled tech workforce and tap into local resources with our Employ & Empower event! Last year, tech employers received less than 3% of the $20 million in Going PRO Talent Funds funds awarded to West Michigan employers. Our event bridges this gap by providing tech employers with the information and resources needed to access state and federal training fund dollars, like the Going PRO Talent Fund. By empowering employers to invest in hiring and training a skilled tech workforce, we can unlock the potential of individuals and businesses alike, driving the success of our region's tech industry. West Michigan Works! recognizes the crucial role of a robust tech talent pipeline in the success of all industries in our region. Join us at the Employ & Empower event to learn how your tech business can tap into available resources and contribute to the growth of West Michigan's tech talent pipeline.
West Michigan Works!
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