Putting More Color in the Tech Sector
4:30 pm
7:30 pm
Discover what you can do to put more color in the tech sector
Western Governors University is pleased to be able to host this Tech Week Grand Rapids event. Get ready for an exciting afternoon as we explore the topic of How to Put More Color into the Tech Sector. Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist of Michigan has been invited to be the main speaker for this event. He will be followed by a panel of experts that will further unpack this topic and respond to questions from the audience. The moderator for the panel will be Carlos Cubia, Chief Inclusion, Equity, Diversity and Sustainability Officer for Corewell Health.
Panelists for this event will include:
- Jamon Alexander, President & CEO, West Michigan Center for the Arts and Technology
- Cindy Brown, Council Member, West Michigan Tech Talent
- Keli Christopher, Ph.D., Founder and Executive Director, STEM Greenhouse
- Guillermo Cisneros, President & CEO, West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- Charles Elwood, Founder & AI Expert, SolisMatica, LLC
- Robert Mohr, Senior Instructor, Western Governors University, School of Technology
This event will include networking opportunities and provide those looking for entry level or leadership tech positions with the opportunity to visit information tables hosted by tech companies. Finally, event attendees will enjoy visiting WMCAT's beautiful physical space, great hors d' oeuvres, and drinks.
According to Forbes Advisor 2024 Tech Industry Statistics:
- 68 percent of employees in the U.S. tech sector are White
- 14 percent identify as Asian American
- 8 percent identify as Hispanic or Latino
- 7 percent identify as Black
Also, the 2023 Tech Report found that Native Hawaiians and Native American Pacific Islanders are underrepresented in the tech sector.
The Right Place, Inc. formed a taskforce in 2022 that recommended for the Grand Rapids Metropolitan Region to stay competitive it needed to become a major tech hub of the Midwest and create 10,000 tech sector jobs over the next ten years. As we move forward to achieve the taskforce's recommendation it really will take all of our commitment to ensure that people of color have access to entry level tech jobs, and our diverse talent is able to gain access to leadership positions within their companies.
Western Governors University
Looking for an Opportunity to Sponsor this event?
WMCAT Parking Options: There is a parking rampconnected to event facility. We will validate your parking for free parking.You can enter the parking ramp that is located at 415 Seward NW (just pastBridge Street Market and before you get to First St. NW) and park on the secondand third level of the parking ramp. WMCAT guests may enter on the third floorof the ramp, but must enter the building on the second floor. WMCAT is locatedon the third floor of the facility. The first floor of the parking ramp isowned by Bridge St. Market, and is not available to WMCAT guests.
Street Parking: There is limited metered street parking on First St. and Seward Ave NW.